Monday 29 August 2016

I’m Having Issues in my Relationship Because of Fake Rumours – Actress, Amanda Ebeye Cries out

Nollywood actress, Amanda Ebeye, is not new to controversies but this time, she is boiling hard and not happy with some parts of the media as a whole.

Amanda knowing how smart the media can be has for a long time tried avoiding granting interviews to print medium and will be ready to jump at the visual medium when she is being approached with the excuse that the print tends to temper with what she has said.

Well, the actress is currently not happy with viral reports that went rounds some weeks back that she was in love with an officer which is why she has been absent from the movie industry for a while and was trying to hide the relationship from her fans.

She could not hold back her anger as she decided to blow hot as she disclosed that negative things written about her is affecting her relationship with her man.

Amanda admitted that she is in a relationship but not with the said officer whom she met just once but with another man and the rumours have been affecting their love.

In her words, “It’s very pathetic how people can just seat down and cook up all sorts of things about someone. I don’t know this celeb police green news or whoever they are. That they know my family and how desperate I am. They even know my location, know my situation and know who I’m with. Wow.

You want stories on your blog so you don’t mind writing bull. I’m having issues in my relationship because you’re linking me to a man I met only once in my life, at an event. Please please please for the last time I have no business with this man. Please. I’m in a relationship; I’m not getting married now. When I’m ready you’ll definitely be invited. You say I’m hiding in Ghana and all sorts of things. Finally I’ll tell you to get your facts right before posting, because these horrible stories can be very hurtful. Thank you.”

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